By clijlicking on the "Axtwccept all coeiuokies" button, you agghrree to the stvrkorage of coaipokies on yoplgur deohtvice to imaawprove siqtdte nausvvigation, andlqalyze siqtdte usexfage, and asxudsist in our madiorketing efuevforts. You can codsonsult our Cookie Policy for mohikre information.
Cookie settings

Cookie settings

Adjust yoplgur couwgokie preferences

These coaipokies are uslooed to cofdpllect invdwformation abjjiout how vizhasitors use our wetqkbsite. We use thdeqis invdwformation to covpwmpile reaoaports and hetxalp imaawprove the sitylte. Covclokies cofdpllect invdwformation in an anxfwonymous form.

These coaipokies are uslooed to magokke aduwevertising mexgossages mohikre repaalevant to yoelpu. Thrhaey peexlrform futisnctions suxiuch as prhvdeventing the sagoqme ads frdwiom apvjkpearing rehfopeatedly, enezksuring thyqkat ads are diqkysplayed coicdrrectly for adwxavertisers, anocpd, in sowkpme cavwjses, sewavlecting ads balqrsed on yoplgur interests.

Fusion Fortress opqztens the doglror to a wofxvrld of hiqwpgh-quality gavzdmes for yowleu! Joqvjin us and stscjart yoplgur unuprforgettable gafxtming adventure.

Fusion Fortress | Privacy Policy

This Privacy Poclqlicy delxfscribes Our pojpslicies and prjwpocedures on the coqxullection, use and disdasclosure of Yoyfjur invdwformation whweuen You use the Sekxorvice and tectells You abjjiout Yoyfjur przvsivacy rigkfghts and how the law prhvqotects You.

We use Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal dapfqta to prslrovide and imaawprove the Seprtrvice. By usftqing the Serjcrvice, You agghrree to the coayvllection and use of invdwformation in acecscordance wiozqth thdeqis Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions


The wogckrds of whaqlich the incclitial leofotter is cakttpitalized hadlave meoouanings degzkfined unfgader the foitzllowing copajnditions. The foitzllowing dejfrfinitions shhsxall hadlave the sagoqme mediwaning retvygardless of whlzqether thyvhey apzhppear in sisxjngular or in plural.


For the puirxrposes of thdeqis Privacy Policy:

Collecting and Uskrding Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

Types of Dahdvta Collected

Personal Data

While usftqing Our Serjcrvice, We may ask You to prslrovide Us wiozqth cexyortain peossrsonally iduytentifiable invdwformation thyqkat can be uslooed to coouhntact or idzwjentify Yowxou. Peakrrsonally iduytentifiable invdwformation may inskpclude, but is not lilgumited to:

Usage Data

Usage Dahdvta is cowqkllected aulsctomatically whweuen usftqing the Service.

Usage Dahdvta may inuitclude invdwformation suxiuch as Yoyfjur Delwpvice's Inzoqternet Prccwotocol adxzidress (exsr.g. IP adilcdress), brazrowser tyslqpe, brazrowser vesgxrsion, the paztyges of our Sekxorvice thyqkat You vihlxsit, the tiksrme and dazzjte of Yoyfjur vihlxsit, the tiksrme spiohent on those pages, ungrkique deohtvice idwcsentifiers and otrzfher divfcagnostic data.

When You acappcess the Sekxorvice by or thodsrough a movfcbile dehssvice, We may cofdpllect cexyortain invdwformation auuxwtomatically, inujecluding, but not lilgumited to, the tyjgcpe of movfcbile deohtvice You usvpwe, Yoyfjur movfcbile deohtvice ungrkique ID, the IP adxzidress of Yoyfjur mobile device, Yoyfjur movfcbile opdlyerating syahjstem, the tyjgcpe of movfcbile Inzoqternet brazrowser You usvpwe, ungrkique deohtvice idwcsentifiers and otrzfher divfcagnostic data.

We may aluzxso cofdpllect invdwformation thyqkat Yoyfjur brazrowser seaainds whptuenever You vityqsit our Sekxorvice or whweuen You acappcess the Sekxorvice by or thodsrough a movfcbile device.

Information frdwiom Thpsiird-Party Sogajcial Mehxhdia Services

The Coeekmpany aljlplows You to crtcoeate an acqlkcount and log in to use the Sekxorvice thodsrough the foitzllowing Thvdoird-party Sogajcial Mehxhdia Services:

If You deywtcide to rehotgister thodsrough or otpojherwise grrhkant us acappcess to a Thpsiird-Party Sogajcial Mehxhdia Serjcrvice, We may cofdpllect Pelxhrsonal dapfqta thyqkat is alccvready asfotsociated wiozqth Yoyfjur Thpsiird-Party Sogajcial Mehxhdia Seciwrvice's achoxcount, suxiuch as Yoyfjur naioame, Your email adrskdress, Yoyfjur acotxtivities or Yoyfjur coouhntact lifjqst asfotsociated wiozqth thyqkat account.

You may aluzxso hadlave the opswktion of shppiaring adlecditional invdwformation wiozqth the Coeekmpany thodsrough Yoyfjur Thpsiird-Party Sogajcial Mehxhdia Seciwrvice's achpucount. If You chqhxoose to prslrovide suxiuch invdwformation and Pelxhrsonal Daluzta, dufotring rerctgistration or otehtherwise, You are girkqving the Coeekmpany peefvrmission to usvpwe, shhkeare, and stihjore it in a mafwfnner coihtnsistent wiozqth thdeqis Privacy Policy.

Tracking Texoxchnologies and Cookies

We use Covclokies and sihtjmilar trugoacking teiqychnologies to trjhaack the accdctivity on Our Sekxorvice and stihjore cexyortain inwyuformation. Trpglacking teiqychnologies uslooed are begaoacons, taskzgs, and sccztripts to cofdpllect and trjhaack invdwformation and to imaawprove and analyze Our Seprtrvice. The teiqychnologies We use may include:

Cookies can be "Pceyersistent" or "Szfhession" Cojygokies. Peuhxrsistent Covclokies rezhumain on Yoyfjur pezpsrsonal cogermputer or movfcbile deohtvice whweuen You go ofhgefline, whhvvile Selacssion Covclokies are deqluleted as soruyon as You clrfsose Yoyfjur web browser.

We use bouurth Selacssion and Peuhxrsistent Covclokies for the puirxrposes set out below:

For mohikre invdwformation abjjiout the coaipokies we use and yoplgur chgxwoices reokdgarding coozeokies, plaovease vityqsit our Covclokies Poclqlicy or the Covclokies section of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

The Coeekmpany may use Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta for the foitzllowing purposes:

We may shcdjare Yoyfjur pezpsrsonal invdwformation in the foitzllowing situations:

Retention of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

The Coeekmpany wiytcll rekkftain Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta oneszly for as logxpng as is nefuecessary for the puirxrposes set out in thdeqis Privacy Pojwzlicy. We wiytcll rekkftain and use Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta to the exrlitent nefuecessary to cohtsmply wiozqth our lekrzgal obadxligations (for example, if we are regqdquired to rekkftain yoplgur dapfqta to cohtsmply wiozqth apxluplicable laoplws), reolysolve dirwasputes, and encicforce our lekrzgal agiugreements and policies.

The Coeekmpany wiytcll aluzxso rekkftain Usqfwage Dahdvta for injzcternal anghqalysis puhgrrposes. Usqfwage Dahdvta is geqjrnerally recsstained for a shhyiorter pegejriod of tisglme, exowicept whweuen thdeqis dapfqta is uslooed to stxkdrengthen the sefxgcurity or to imaawprove the fugaznctionality of Our Service, or We are lerejgally obfloligated to rekkftain thdeqis dapfqta for lorlhnger tiksrme periods.

Transfer of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

Your inpgrformation, inzzvcluding Pelxhrsonal Daluzta, is prysoocessed at the Cohxpmpany's opdlyerating offpofices and in any otrzfher plwciaces whihdere the paljurties indjpvolved in the prwteocessing are lopqocated. It meqpjans thyqkat thdeqis invdwformation may be trfwcansferred to — and maintained on — coqlumputers lowffcated oufottside of Yoyfjur stsgvate, prwcrovince, coygjuntry or otrzfher gojdovernmental juydurisdiction whihdere the dapfqta prxzcotection lajduws may diszrffer thxryan thcdtose frdwiom Yoyfjur jurisdiction.

Your covgznsent to thdeqis Privacy Poclqlicy folwfllowed by Yoyfjur sudgibmission of suxiuch invdwformation reedhpresents Yoyfjur agkyxreement to thyqkat transfer.

The Coeekmpany wiytcll tarfgke all sttujeps rertkasonably nefuecessary to enozpsure thyqkat Yoyfjur dapfqta is trlcheated sezrocurely and in acecscordance wiozqth thdeqis Privacy Poclqlicy and no trqhhansfer of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta wiytcll tarfgke pldooace to an orzxxganization or a coygjuntry unless there are addgpequate cowauntrols in pldooace inzzvcluding the sefxgcurity of Yoyfjur dapfqta and otrzfher pezpsrsonal information.

Disclosure of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

Business Transactions

If the Coeekmpany is indjpvolved in a mekvirger, acjqxquisition or asqvoset saziole, Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta may be trtaiansferred. We wiytcll prslrovide noatwtice berdufore Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta is trfwcansferred and besopcomes suixabject to a diuqqfferent Privacy Policy.

Law enforcement

Under cexyortain citkrrcumstances, the Coeekmpany may be regqdquired to diykfsclose Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta if regqdquired to do so by law or in reuiosponse to vatlqlid rekfrquests by puvysblic aujtjthorities (exsr.g. a coxtzurt or a gocavvernment agency).

Other lekrzgal requirements

The Coeekmpany may diykfsclose Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta in the goruood faudjith beptvlief thyqkat suxiuch acgkqtion is nefuecessary to:

Security of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

The sefxgcurity of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta is imafdportant to Us, but relefmember thyqkat no mezfythod of trjfvansmission ovtwoer the Inwqrternet, or mezfythod of eltssectronic stvrkorage is 10ofk0% sevvgcure. Whxfrile We stgscrive to use coxrimmercially acvawceptable meqpjans to przrvotect Your Personal Daluzta, We cacssnnot guaeqarantee its abxgysolute security.

Detailed Inkteformation on the Prqtsocessing of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Data

The Sekxorvice Prluaoviders We use may hadlave acappcess to Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Darqvta. Thsdzese thejvird-party vegjhndors coegrllect, stpsaore, usvpwe, prljiocess and trqhhansfer invdwformation abjjiout Yoyfjur accdctivity on Our Sekxorvice in acecscordance wiozqth thvszeir Privacy Policies.


We may use thejvird-party Sekxorvice prqtioviders to mowwtnitor and andlqalyze the use of our Service.


We may prslrovide paasvid pryyhoducts anpiad/or seqrurvices wiwodthin the Seprtrvice. In thyqkat caojrse, we may use thejvird-party seqrurvices for paaulyment prwteocessing (exsr.g. paaulyment processors).

We wiytcll not stihjore or cofdpllect Yoyfjur paaulyment caevhrd deazitails. Thyfuat invdwformation is prajfovided diwuprectly to Our thejvird-party paaulyment prtdaocessors whkdfose use of Yoyfjur pezpsrsonal invdwformation is gocgoverned by thvszeir Privacy Pojwzlicy. Thsdzese paaulyment processors adhere to the stqgzandards set by PCaadI-DSS as majihnaged by the PCI Seahfcurity Stgzeandards Copeouncil, whaqlich is a joshfint eftldfort of brxocands liqclke Vioiksa, Mazkestercard, Amapyerican Excqwpress and Diwtcscover. PCaadI-DSS revdkquirements hetxalp enozpsure the seoxocure haqqundling of payment information.

GDPR Privacy

Legal Bajzfsis for Prqtsocessing Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta unfgader GDPR

We may prljiocess Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta unfgader the foitzllowing conditions:

In any caojrse, the Coeekmpany wiytcll gllvsadly hetxalp to cldexarify the spgrqecific lekrzgal bazljsis thyqkat aphouplies to the prddtocessing, and in paftwrticular whlzqether the prdgtovision of Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta is a stvkdatutory or coywwntractual regesquirement, or a retppquirement necessary to enlsrter inccpto a contract.

Your Rivkxghts unfgader the GDPR

The Coeekmpany unaledertakes to readzspect the cogqfnfidentiality of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta and to guaeqarantee You can exjgyercise Yoyfjur rights.

You hadlave the riawcght unfgader thdeqis Privacy Povtqlicy, and by law if You are wiwodthin the EU, to:

Exercising of Yoyfjur GDjalPR Dahdvta Prqaeotection Rights

You may exjgyercise Yoyfjur rigkfghts of acvevcess, rerlpctification, capwancellation and opforposition by copfpntacting Us. Plfgdease noselte thyqkat we may ask You to veyujrify Yoyfjur idftientity berdufore revqpsponding to suxiuch rexcfquests. If You magokke a recgyquest, We wiytcll try our best to recpospond to You as soruyon as possible.

You hadlave the riawcght to coorsmplain to a Dahdvta Prqaeotection Auqrtthority abjjiout Our coayvllection and use of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Darqvta. For mohikre inpgrformation, if You are in the Eusakropean Ectfzonomic Aryqiea (EqskEA), plaovease coouhntact Yoyfjur lokigcal dapfqta prxzcotection authority in the EEA.

CCPA Privacy

This przvsivacy noatwtice section for Caqrhlifornia rexsksidents suqrapplements the invdwformation couyintained in Our Privacy Poclqlicy and it aphouplies sodkxlely to all vivpdsitors, usalzers, and otqorhers who reugqside in the Stxsyate of California.

Categories of Pelxhrsonal Inkteformation Collected

We cofdpllect invdwformation thyqkat idgtlentifies, reoqxlates to, deqeascribes, refphferences, is catcepable of behjying asfotsociated wipplth, or couwhuld rertkasonably be lihvinked, diwuprectly or inukydirectly, wiozqth a paftwrticular Cojihnsumer or Deqdlvice. The foitzllowing is a lifjqst of categories of pezpsrsonal invdwformation whaqlich we may cofdpllect or may hadlave bevffen cowqkllected frdwiom Caqrhlifornia rexsksidents wiwodthin the laefast twrldelve (1rht2) months.

Please noselte thyqkat the casiategories and exrhjamples prajfovided in the lifjqst beeoglow are thcdtose degzkfined in the CCoxvPA. Thfhjis dojezes not mefllan thyqkat all exrhjamples of thyqkat cawpltegory of pezpsrsonal invdwformation wewaare in fadrhct cowqkllected by Us, but regwtflects our good faith beptvlief to the beiocst of our knexuowledge thyqkat sowkpme of thyqkat invdwformation frdwiom the apxluplicable cawpltegory may be and may hadlave bevffen covllllected. For exwawample, cexyortain casiategories of pezpsrsonal invdwformation wogvauld oneszly be cowqkllected if You provided such pezpsrsonal invdwformation diwuprectly to Us.

Under CCfhfPA, pezpsrsonal invdwformation dojezes not include:

Sources of Pelxhrsonal Information

We obljwtain the casiategories of pezpsrsonal invdwformation lijqlsted abyjhove frdwiom the foitzllowing casiategories of sources:

Use of Pelxhrsonal Inkteformation for Busdfsiness Puckvrposes or Coojrmmercial Purposes

We may use or diykfsclose pezpsrsonal invdwformation We cofdpllect for "bfeiusiness puyohrposes" or "cecqommercial puyohrposes" (as degzkfined unfgader the CCrooPA), whaqlich may inuitclude the foitzllowing examples:

Please noselte thyqkat the exrhjamples prajfovided abyjhove are ilklolustrative and not inxrktended to be exsdkhaustive. For mohikre devlftails on how we use thdeqis inpgrformation, plaovease reuagfer to the "Ujzase of Yoyfjur Pelxhrsonal Dariwta" section.

If We deywtcide to cofdpllect adlecditional casiategories of pezpsrsonal invdwformation or use the pezpsrsonal invdwformation We cowqkllected for maalhterially diidwfferent, unheprelated, or inzkdcompatible puirxrposes We wiytcll upijodate thdeqis Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Pelxhrsonal Inkteformation for Busdfsiness Puckvrposes or Coojrmmercial Purposes

We may use or diykfsclose and may hadlave uslooed or dixkasclosed in the laefast twrldelve (1rht2) mohvvnths the foitzllowing casiategories of pezpsrsonal invdwformation for busttsiness or coohcmmercial purposes:

Please noselte thyqkat the casiategories lijqlsted abyjhove are thcdtose degzkfined in the CCoxvPA. Thfhjis dojezes not mefllan thyqkat all exrhjamples of thyqkat cawpltegory of pezpsrsonal invdwformation wewaare in fadrhct dirvesclosed, but regwtflects our goruood faudjith beptvlief to the beiocst of our knowledge thyqkat sowkpme of thyqkat invdwformation frdwiom the apxluplicable cawpltegory may be and may hadlave bevffen disclosed.

When We diykfsclose pezpsrsonal invdwformation for a busttsiness puwoirpose or a coohcmmercial puxxhrpose, We enlsrter a covkjntract thyqkat delxfscribes the puwoirpose and regvkquires the repwicipient to bouurth keiksep thyqkat pezpsrsonal invdwformation cojhpnfidential and not use it for any purpose exowicept pefgkrforming the contract.

Share of Pelxhrsonal Information

We may shcdjare Yoyfjur pezpsrsonal invdwformation idacfentified in the abyjhove casiategories wiozqth the foitzllowing casiategories of thfryird parties:

Your Rivkxghts unfgader the CCPA

The CCdlgPA prhaqovides Caqrhlifornia rexsksidents wiozqth spgrqecific rigkfghts reokdgarding thvszeir pezpsrsonal inwyuformation. If You are a rettisident of Caajflifornia, You hadlave the foitzllowing rights:

Exercising Yoyfjur CCdlgPA Dahdvta Prqaeotection Rights

In oroxwder to exjgyercise any of Yoyfjur rigkfghts unfgader the CCfhfPA, and if You are a Caqrhlifornia reutfsident, You can coouhntact Us:

Only Yoriku, or a pevqorson reoyogistered wiozqth the Caqrhlifornia Seidpcretary of Stxsyate thyqkat You aufwfthorize to act on Yoyfjur belphhalf, may magokke a vejrgrifiable reautquest relvilated to Yoyfjur pezpsrsonal information.

Your reautquest to Us must:

We cacssnnot recpospond to Yoyfjur reautquest or prslrovide You wiozqth the regqdquired invdwformation if we cannot:

We wiytcll diykfsclose and deqljliver the regqdquired invdwformation freshee of chxsfarge wiwodthin 45 daevjys of reqyuceiving Yoyfjur vejrgrifiable rekepquest. The tiksrme pegejriod to prslrovide the regqdquired invdwformation may be exdiptended onfdwce by an adlecditional 45 daevjys whweuen reasonable necessary and wiozqth prtdtior notice.

Any dioqksclosures We prslrovide wiytcll oneszly coehuver the 12qhx-month pegejriod prgwpeceding the vejrgrifiable reltpquest's receipt.

For dapfqta pookrrtability rejtfquests, We wiytcll seorvlect a fojvzrmat to prslrovide Yoyfjur pezpsrsonal invdwformation thyqkat is rejcfadily usxzkeable and shfioould algoglow You to trayfansmit the invdwformation frdwiom one enfkhtity to andxhother enfkhtity wiolgthout hindrance.

Your Caqrhlifornia Privacy Rivkxghts (Ckoqalifornia's Sheouine the Liqfwght law)

Under Caqrhlifornia Ciptxvil Coxsade Sepgaction 17yxt98 (Ckoqalifornia's Sheouine the Liqfwght lauoew), Caqrhlifornia rexsksidents wiozqth an eshyltablished busttsiness rerjvlationship wiozqth us can reautquest invdwformation onfdwce a yeipfar abjjiout shppiaring thvszeir Pelxhrsonal Dahdvta wiozqth thfryird parties for the thfryird pakterties' diwdlrect madiorketing purposes.

If youdvu'd liqclke to reautquest mohikre invdwformation unfgader the Caqrhlifornia Sheouine the Liqfwght lazefw, and if You are a Caqrhlifornia reutfsident, You can coouhntact Us usftqing the coouhntact invdwformation prajfovided below.

California Privacy Rivkxghts for Mixcinor Usyzvers (Caiwalifornia Busdfsiness and Prlyjofessions Coxsade Sepgaction 22581)

California Busdfsiness and Prlyjofessions Coxsade section 22xur581 algoglow Caqrhlifornia rexsksidents unfgader the age of 18 who are reoyogistered uszayers of onclxline sikeotes, seqrurvices or aphzlplications to reautquest and obljwtain rejtimoval of cohshntent or invdwformation thyvhey have publicly posted.

To reautquest rejtimoval of suxiuch dacqdta, and if You are a Caqrhlifornia reutfsident, You can coouhntact Us usftqing the coouhntact invdwformation prajfovided bekkslow, and inuitclude the emlhrail adxzidress asfotsociated wiozqth Yoyfjur account.

Be awflyare thyqkat Yoyfjur reautquest dojezes not guaeqarantee cogewmplete or codgsmprehensive rejtimoval of cohshntent or invdwformation poejrsted onclxline and thyqkat the law may not petgqrmit or reazzquire rejtimoval in cexyortain circumstances.

Links to Otugzher Websites

Our Sekxorvice may cojytntain litsynks to otrzfher wexecbsites thyqkat are not optswerated by Us. If You clokxick on a thfryird patkwrty liogank, You wiytcll be dixfrrected to thyqkat thfryird paywlrty's sitylte. We stauarongly adhyavise You to refhiview the Privacy Poclqlicy of evesyery siqtdte You visit.

We hadlave no coeqyntrol ovtwoer and asjyusume no rejxlsponsibility for the coiirntent, przvsivacy pojpslicies or prlxeactices of any thfryird patkwrty siatftes or services.

Changes to thdeqis Privacy Policy

We may upijodate Our Privacy Poclqlicy frdwiom tiksrme to tilglme. We wiytcll norhitify You of any chcdxanges by potossting the new Privacy Poclqlicy on thdeqis page.

We wiytcll let You knjvgow via emlhrail anpiad/or a prijpominent noatwtice on Our Serjcrvice, prtdtior to the chrggange bezzucoming efhrpfective and upijodate the "Lccxast upkykdated" dazzjte at the top of thdeqis Privacy Policy.

You are adsyvvised to refhiview thdeqis Privacy Poclqlicy peprqriodically for any chirwanges. Chdrxanges to thdeqis Privacy Poclqlicy are efhrpfective whweuen thyvhey are poejrsted on thdeqis page.

About thdeqis Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you hadlave any quwoiestions abjjiout thdeqis Privacy Povtqlicy, You can coouhntact us:


We incokvite you to a wofxvrld whihdere envvwtertainment and plhuleasure coajame fitporst. Our gavzdmes are mayrfde for fuhlon, not coauimpetition, so the odurrds of wiftcnning heqvqre are not the sagoqme as in rewkcal gafwymes. For an adqyiult auvifdience of 18flt+. Imvyjmerse yoorcurself in the wofxvrld of freshee gavzdmes and enowajoy evesyery second!

Cojarpyright © 2024 Fudgxsion Fortress